Environ Blog

Holiday Skin Care Management
Posted by Catherine Christianson on
Tis the season to be jolly! The family comes in town, parties are lined up every weekend, and all is well in your world, but suddenly you start noticing that your skin is not cooperating with you. Aside from keeping up a great winter skin care routine, there are some holiday eating & drinking tips that should not be forgotten in order to keep your skin in glowing, party-ready shape all season long. The Problem: Alcohol Alcohol is not evil, but too much of it could cause you skin problems. Drinking too much could result in dehydration of the...

The Philosophy of Starting a New Client on Environ Products
Posted by Catherine Christianson on
I want to tell you all a little more about the philosophy behind Environ products- namely, how our philosophy begins with Vitamin A. In our first two blogs, we reviewed some large differences that allow Environ to stand out from other skin care lines, such as our high standards in manufacturing, packaging, and how we use the most researched and effective ingredients. Now, we will look inside to get a closer look of how Vitamin A works with our skin over time to promote the look of the healthiest skin possible. These topics are sure to come up when introducing...
- Tags: New Clients, Vitamin A

What Makes Environ Different? Part 2
Posted by Catherine Christianson on
I want to tell you all a little more about what makes Environ products so different from other skin care brands. In our first blog, we discussed how Environ was created by Dr. Des Fernandes, a world-renowned plastic surgeon and skin care researcher, and skin care formulator. Environ products contain the most efficacious formulations of vitamins A and C, which absolutely must be a part of a skin care regimen to be effective. The only thing about these fragile formulations is the fact that they must exist in a form that is unaltered by oxidation and light, so that it...
- Tags: The Environ Difference

What Makes Environ Different? Part 1
Posted by Catherine Christianson on
That is always the first question that pops into my head when being introduced to a new skin care brand. What distinguishes this brand from countless others on the market? Why should I invest time and energy hoping to find “the one” when so many others have swept me off my feet with promises only to leave me searching once again? Slowly by surely, time tells all, and the Environ brand doesn’t just talk the talk, it shows you what it can really do. There are actually a large number of differences that separate Environ from the competition. First off,...
- Tags: The Environ Difference

The key to beautiful skin
Posted by Jen Conroy on
Do you want to know a secret? The key to beautiful skin? I mean really? We all know those friends of ours who don't seem to age as quickly as the rest of us, you look in the mirror and see lines, brown spots, sagging skin, lumpy bumps that don't go away. I mean I could go on and on. As women we are always looking for that one product to fulfill its promises - Well the key is, quite simply Vitamin A. Humm you say-I can't use it- it's too strong, too drying, too irritating. But, what if I...
- Tags: Vitamin A