Environ Blog — Diet

Can Your Diet Boost Your Skin’s Health?
Posted by Jen Conroy on
Yes, as a matter of fact, it can! Certain foods can help boost your skin’s natural ability to fend off sun damage, helping to bolster your skin’s health, even staving off wrinkles. In addition to wearing SPF 30 sunscreen every day, here’s a look at the top edible skin-protectors, according to Healthline. Blueberries High in antioxidants, blueberries help to combat free radical damage from the sun and stress. These little blue treats are also high in vitamin C, which helps to prevent wrinkles from forming. Watermelon Believe it or not, watermelon contains far more lycopene than tomatoes! Lycopene is the...
- Tags: Diet, Great Skin Habits

12 Foods for a Healthy-Looking Skin Diet
Posted by Catherine Christianson on
Diet is a huge part of the healthy-looking skin equation, while the other part is an effective skin care routine using products comprised of Vitamins A, C, E, antioxidants, peptides and growth factors. The skin is the last organ in the body to reap the benefits of ingested vitamins and minerals, thus there is the need for daily, topical, vitamin-rich skin care products. To keep your body functioning optimally and skin looking its best, we’ve researched some of the most nutrient-rich food for you to add to your grocery list: Seafood Salmon, tuna, oysters, crab, and shrimp are full of...
- Tags: Diet

Holiday Skin Care Management
Posted by Catherine Christianson on
Tis the season to be jolly! The family comes in town, parties are lined up every weekend, and all is well in your world, but suddenly you start noticing that your skin is not cooperating with you. Aside from keeping up a great winter skin care routine, there are some holiday eating & drinking tips that should not be forgotten in order to keep your skin in glowing, party-ready shape all season long. The Problem: Alcohol Alcohol is not evil, but too much of it could cause you skin problems. Drinking too much could result in dehydration of the...