Environ Blog — Vitamin A

Vitamin ‘A’mazing
Posted by Terri Wojak on
The Importance of Vitamin A Vitamin A is an essential nutrient needed by the body for vision, growth, reproduction, immunity, and skin health. It belongs to a family of organic chemicals called retinoids. In the 1930’s it was first suggested that aging skin is directly caused by a vitamin A deficiency. Then, in the 1950’s, professor Cluver of South Africa proved that vitamin A levels in the skin are depleted with sun exposure. Evidently, Vitamin A is an essential ingredient needed to keep the skin functioning at its optimal level. It also needs to be replaced topically every day due...

Summer Legs You Want To Show Off
Posted by Kim Beels on
Your legs make up 36% of your body's total surface area. That's a lot of skin! When the temperature starts to rise, you want to make sure your legs look their best so you can stay cool and show them off with pride. As part of an overall healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and exercise, skin care creams rich in vitamins and antioxidants can assist in firming and conditioning the appearance of uneven skin texture on your legs, creating the look of smoother, more youthful-looking skin. Skin Care Ingredients Vitamins A, C, EAside from natural aging, chemical toxins,...
- Tags: Body, Ingredients, Skincare, Vitamin A

Crisis Control! Break-Outs
Posted by Catherine Christianson on
Do you know how to avoid spotty teenage skin? The skin is less likely to become problematic during the hormonal surge of adolescence when cared for daily with topical doses of Vitamins A, C, E, growth factors, peptides and antioxidants. Problematic skin is one of the world's most common teenage conditions, affecting over 85% of adolescents and up to 50% of adults over 25 years of age. The Goal The goal of any treatment is to is to avoid unsightly changes in the first place with preventative solutions. In the case that hormonal changes do affect the skin adversely, topical...

What is the Essence of Beauty?
Posted by Catherine Christianson on
What is the essence of beauty? Long hair? Eyes? Shape? Science would suggest that a number of biological factors contribute to what different societies recognize as “beautiful.” Such factors include the waist-hip-bust ratio, facial symmetry, lush hair; However the most noticeable part of the body is often unmentioned in these studies. It is our largest organ, the skin. Certain skin conditions are determined by our DNA, but we know that environmental factors also play a large role in the appearance of healthy-looking skin. Over the past two decades, Environ Skin Care has been a leader in creating the most innovative...
- Tags: Great Skin Habits, Vitamin A

The Philosophy of Starting a New Client on Environ Products
Posted by Catherine Christianson on
I want to tell you all a little more about the philosophy behind Environ products- namely, how our philosophy begins with Vitamin A. In our first two blogs, we reviewed some large differences that allow Environ to stand out from other skin care lines, such as our high standards in manufacturing, packaging, and how we use the most researched and effective ingredients. Now, we will look inside to get a closer look of how Vitamin A works with our skin over time to promote the look of the healthiest skin possible. These topics are sure to come up when introducing...
- Tags: New Clients, Vitamin A