Environ Blog — Skin Care Routine

Misunderstanding Sun Protection
Posted by Terri Wojak on
Protecting our skin from the harmful effects of the sun is essential for maintaining healthy, youthful skin. Unfortunately, there are some misconceptions that leave many people without enough sun protection. It is our job as skin care providers to put a stop to these myths so clients have proper protection and get optimal results. Sunscreen will prevent me from getting Vitamin D Vitamin D is an essential vitamin needed by our body to carry out everyday functions including immune support, bone health, muscle function, calcium absorption, and more. Our skin synthesizes vitamin D though UVB exposure; and SPF 30 sunscreen...
- Tags: Body, Great Skin Habits, Skin Care Routine, Skincare, sunscreen, Travel

The Realities Of And Recommendations For Rosacea
Posted by Terri Wojak on
Rosacea is a vascular disorder of the skin characterized by flushing, erythema, and telangiectasia. The visual side effects are typically prominent on the central face, including the nose, cheeks, eyelids, and forehead. Other clinical considerations in rosacea include papules and/or nodules that can lead to scarring. The one thing that all forms of rosacea have in common is chronic poor vascular hemostasis (blood coagulation). This leads to leaky vessels, pooling of blood, delayed removal of inflammatory mediators, and persistent perivascular inflammation. Prolonged inflammation leads to the formation of fibrous tissue and thickening of the skin which are characteristics of phymatous...

Suds and Surfactants
Posted by Terri Wojak on
Cleansing is a basic step of any skin care routine, but not all cleansers are created equal. It is important to understand the types of cleansing agents available for suitable recommendations. It is well- known that if we don’t cleanse away the impurities that accumulate on the skin it could lead to congestion, acne lesions, and a dull appearance. During the day we are exposed to external factors including pollution, touching our face with dirty hands, sunscreens, makeup, etc. Cleansing twice a day will help keep the skin in a healthy state and allow the full benefit of topical products....
- Tags: Ingredients, Skin Care Routine, Skincare

Cosmetic Needling
Posted by Terri Wojak on
What is this new craze micro needling that everyone is talking about? Well, the truth is, it’s not new at all. Although micro needling, in the medical sense, was first introduced in 1905, Cosmetic Needling was not introduced until 1995, and has been a buzz word ever since, gaining more and more momentum. The increase in popularity was due to the enhanced results that are achieved when one incorporates Cosmetic Needling to their skin care regimen. When we apply our skin care topically, the amount of those ingredients that will actually get delivered to the skin will be dependent on...

Vitamin ‘A’mazing
Posted by Terri Wojak on
The Importance of Vitamin A Vitamin A is an essential nutrient needed by the body for vision, growth, reproduction, immunity, and skin health. It belongs to a family of organic chemicals called retinoids. In the 1930’s it was first suggested that aging skin is directly caused by a vitamin A deficiency. Then, in the 1950’s, professor Cluver of South Africa proved that vitamin A levels in the skin are depleted with sun exposure. Evidently, Vitamin A is an essential ingredient needed to keep the skin functioning at its optimal level. It also needs to be replaced topically every day due...