What Makes Environ Different? Part 1
Posted by Catherine Christianson on
That is always the first question that pops into my head when being introduced to a new skin care brand. What distinguishes this brand from countless others on the market? Why should I invest time and energy hoping to find “the one” when so many others have swept me off my feet with promises only to leave me searching once again? Slowly by surely, time tells all, and the Environ brand doesn’t just talk the talk, it shows you what it can really do. There are actually a large number of differences that separate Environ from the competition.
First off, Environ is a researched-backed and results-based.
Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that before. Well, for Environ products, “Research-backed” means that every ingredient that goes into the product has scientific-backed significance. Let me rephrase that- Environ doesn’t just advertise the latest trendy ingredient to try to make a quick buck. All products are meticulously researched and planned before going into production in their state-of-the-art facilities (more on this later). The original product lines, made in the early 90s, were comprised of a sunscreen and an age-management line based with the most researched ingredients- vitamin A, C, E, peptides, antioxidants, and growth factors. The current products are fundamentally very similar to these original lines. I have learned why Environ has become a cult favorite of skin professionals and celebrities who have been exposed to the brand because of their research-backed doctrine. Due to continuing improvements in technology as well as new research findings, Environ continues to bring only the most effective, freshest products to the collection.Each product goes through a rigorous clinical testing period to ensure that the product will in fact do what it is intended to do. For example, Vitamin A is the most researched skin-care ingredient and has been shown to make significant improvements in the appearance of the skin damaged by the environment and intrinsic aging. Environ has dozens of before & afters showing what Environ’s step-up formulas can do. Environ’s face serums contain a tolerable yet effective, fat-soluble version of Vitamin A, retinyl palmitate, in addition to highly effective forms of vitamin C and E, peptides, antioxidants, and growth factors as a base for the fundamental topical solutions. After going to Environ trainings, not only learning about the products themselves, but learning about the fundamentals of skin science, it is funny to think about all the other skin care lines out there that highlight their products by advertising the one “hero” ingredient, avoiding the skincare truth that a combination of the most effective ingredients is the best way-no, the only way- to treat and prevent the appearance of skin damage. So put the magical berry cream down, and allow their education materials to guide you on the way to real results when it comes to achieving and maintaining the healthiest-looking skin possible. There is a reason why Environ is a leader in skin care and is growing rapidly around the world.
Environ’s Vitamin A step-up system.
The Environ product line is based on varying intensities and levels of ingredients (Vitamin A,C, E, peptides, growth factors, alpha-hydroxy acids) to ensure safe at-home and clinical treatments to meet any individual’s skin types, concerns, and lifestyle. There is certainly an art to treating skin with Vitamin A and these other powerful elements. Though many have yet to hear of the benefits of the ester-form of vitamin A that is used, almost everyone would recognize the prescription form, Retin-A, the acid form of vitamin A, or retinoic acid. This form will also yield results but comes with harsh side effects such as redness, irritation, and skin peeling upon use. Environ’s founder, Dr. Des Fernandes, knew there had to be a better way to replenish the skin’s levels of vitamin A without these abusive effects. He learned that the fat-soluble vitamin A form, retinyl palmitate, breaks down into retinoic acid in the body. That is how clinical trials on this more tolerable form of vitamin A started. It turns out retinyl palmitate provides just-as-good (if not better) results, yielding no harsh side effects, and also contributes to the skin’s ability to prevent the effects of UV damage. (Never forget-the need for sunscreen is always present!) The thing is one does require high doses of retinyl palmitate to yield these visible results. Hence, the step-up system was created, a ladder metaphor for the skin’s ability to tolerate higher and higher doses of this super-safe form of vitamin A over time. How it works: Retinyl palmitate is initially introduced topically in low doses, and one builds up one’s skin tolerance and acceptance of the fat-soluble vitamin A before moving up to the next level dosage. Before long, your skin is able to use prescription strength (or more) Vitamin A in its gentle ester form (retinyl palmitate) in a much more tolerable, less abusive nature than the acid form. You don’t have to risk a 1-3 month-long retinoid reaction or worry about staying out of the sun with Environ’s safe and effective system.
Coming soon: "What Makes Environ Different? Part 2" (I told you there were a lot of differences, didn’t I?)
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