Autumn Is Good for You!
Posted by Jen Conroy on
There’s something truly exhilarating about a new season, and fall is no exception. Whether you live in balmy south Florida or the brisk east coast of Maine, autumn signals a return to productivity and harvest-inspired activities. Fall is also a time to embrace cozy creature comforts like warm sweaters and pumpkin-spiced tea.
Here are 3 more reasons to love autumn:
A crispy snack favorite, apples are finally back in season! Apple picking can burn up to 300 extra calories, and eating them also offers a bevy of health benefits. High in fiber and antioxidants, apples may help lower cholesterol and your risk of cancer and heart disease. Other fall superfoods to savor: sweet potatoes (high in E and low in calories), figs (high in fiber and potassium), and pumpkins (packed with heart-healthy fiber, potassium, and vitamin C).
More sleep!
Daylight saving time ends next month (November 4 at 2 am, to be exact). This much-needed extra hour of z’s has a surprisingly large impact on your health and well-being, and may even lower your heart-attack risk, according to a New England Journal of Medicine study. The cooler air is also beneficial to your sleep. Cracking a window to let in the cool, fresh air is conducive to a good night’s rest by helping your body’s core temperature drop, which initiates sleep.
Color therapy
If you live in an area where trees turn vibrant colors every autumn, simply looking at the colorful landscape can improve your mood and relax you. Autumnal aromas are also quite healthy. Spices like cinnamon, clove, ginger, and cardamom have all been shown to benefit the brain by boosting energy and sharpening the senses.
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