
The Link Between Inner and Outer Beauty

Posted by Jen Conroy on

A recent beauty poll revealed some alarming statistics, namely, that 64% of women feel pressure to maintain their appearance, and 92% feel self-conscious about at least one aspect of their appearance. At Environ, we’re dedicated to celebrating your beauty, and we feel compelled to share what we’ve learned in our 26 years of skin care research and service—that you are beautiful just the way you are!

If you don’t believe us, here are 3 reminders—backed by scientific research—that beauty isn’t about perfection.

Kindness matters.

Forget about an ideal beauty type! Numerous studies all point to an exciting discovery, that positive personality traits like honesty and respectfulness are big beauty boosters. When men and women had to rate a series of faces for their level of attractiveness, the higher ratings consistently went to the faces that were labeled with positive personality traits.

Adventure rules!

Both women and men find certain risk-taking behaviors to be super attractive in potential mates. According to a study at University of Alaska Anchorage, both genders gave high attractiveness ratings to those who engaged in healthy outdoor pursuits like skiing, mountain climbing, and whitewater rafting.

Laughter makes you luminous.

People regard smiling faces as more attractive, according to a number of different studies. What’s even cooler is the science behind the smile, which reveals that smiling not only makes you happier, but it also makes other people happier! It turns out that smiling sends a signal to your brain, which stimulates your reward system and increases your level of happy hormones, or endorphins. Your smile can also activate another person’s reward system, increasing their happy hormones, too! But that’s not the end of it. Smiling is literally good for your health, studies have shown, providing important health benefits, such as reducing anxiety and lowering your blood pressure and heart rate.

Here at Environ, we feel absolutely privileged to help you realize your best at every stage of your life. To find an Environ stockist near you, call 877.337.6227 today.

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