Environ Blog — problematic skin

Washing Your Hands Is Good Skin Care
Posted by Kim Beels on
Good handwashing practices have many benefits and should be a regular part of a healthy skin care routine. If you have problematic skin, you already know the first rule of thumb is to keep your hands off of your face. This is mostly because touching your skin can lead to scratching, picking, and irritating the skin’s fragile surface. But, although face-touching alone is not cause of breakouts, it could make the situation much worse. Breakouts occur when oil glands are clogged and the environment is right for bacteria to spread or enter through broken skin. This is where touching your...

How To Refresh Your Summer Skin
Posted by Kim Beels on
Have you ever noticed that your skin conditions are exacerbated during the summer months? It’s not your imagination! Breakouts due to increased oil production, dark spots created by excessive sun exposure, and dryness caused by air conditioning and other environmental factors are absolutely influencing the appearance of your skin. We have a special tip on how to care for your skin during the summer months. But first, every skin care professional will tell you that establishing good skin care habits will set the foundation for the best results. You probably know the drill; wash morning and evening, tone, exfoliate on...

Treating Teens and Breakout-Prone Skin
Posted by Kim Beels on
It’s a myth that only teens suffer from breakouts, as any adult will attest! Still, it’s fair to say that pimples are synonymous with youth. Increased sebum production during puberty can cause congestion in the skin, which eventually erupts on the surface as confidence-crushing pimples. As we age, stress, environment, and other hormonal events can also produce blemishes – typically, at the most inopportune moments. Fortunately, improving the appearance of problem skin is easier than you think with a proactive skin care regimen. Understanding how breakouts occur is the first step in minimizing their appearance. Puberty and aging are natural...

Crisis Control! Break-Outs
Posted by Catherine Christianson on
Do you know how to avoid spotty teenage skin? The skin is less likely to become problematic during the hormonal surge of adolescence when cared for daily with topical doses of Vitamins A, C, E, growth factors, peptides and antioxidants. Problematic skin is one of the world's most common teenage conditions, affecting over 85% of adolescents and up to 50% of adults over 25 years of age. The Goal The goal of any treatment is to is to avoid unsightly changes in the first place with preventative solutions. In the case that hormonal changes do affect the skin adversely, topical...