Can You Boost Your Metabolism?
Posted by Jen Conroy on
We all know that exercise plays a big role in regulating your metabolism, but we bet you’ll be surprised by the following metabolic boosters, as reported by Healthline, a trusted online health resource.
Your daily cup of joe may be just the ticket for jump-starting both your day and your metabolism. The effect seems to be more prominent for lean people, but it works for everyone to a small degree. Another metabolic-boosting beverage to love is antioxidant-loaded green tea, which also has a host of other health benefits from lowering your risk of cancer to sharpening your mental acuity.
Lack of sleep has been linked to a wide range of health issues, including obesity. Poor sleep habits have also been linked to an increase in hunger hormones and a decrease in fullness hormones. In addition to quelling hunger pangs, a good night’s rest is also a marvelous complexion booster. Do your tummy and your skin a favor, and tuck in early tonight.
Cold Water
You may already know that drinking water speeds up your metabolism, but did you know that drinking cold water increases it even more? When the water is cold, your body uses energy to raise the water’s temperature to match that of your body, boosting your metabolism along the way.
Heavy Lifting
Increasing your muscle mass is a great way to boost your metabolism. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you’re burning, even at rest. Adding some resistance training to your gym routine can help.
Sitting is a much-maligned activity. It’s not that sitting in itself is bad, it’s just that too much sitting isn’t good for you—and it doesn’t help with your metabolism, either! Stand up regularly throughout your day to burn more calories, build more muscle and give your brain a reset.
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