Surprising De-stress Tips
Posted by Jen Conroy on
In case you didn’t get the memo, April is Stress Awareness Month. While everyone knows about the mind-body connection and how curbing stress is a powerful health booster, many people may not realize just how easy reducing stress can be.
Here’s a look at some surprising ways to combat stress, compliments of the experts at Psychology Today.
- Sit up straight.
We promise your mom didn’t write this! According to actual studies, slouching can lower your self-esteem and your mood. The simple act of sitting up straight can boost your self-confidence, productivity, mood, and may even improve your memory!
- Watch the fishies.
This step doesn’t necessitate an expensive and inconvenient visit to the aquarium. Any fish tank will do, and the more fish, the better. It turns out that watching fish can lower your blood pressure and heart rate. Owning a pet such as dog or cat can also do the trick.
- Befriend stress.
We know this sounds a bit “out there,” but reframing your stress in a more positive light will help you feel calmer and less stressed! For example, the next time you feel stressed out, ask yourself what the true nature of your stress really is. Are you worried about something in particular? Do you have a fear you need to share with a trusted friend? Your stress holds secrets about who you are and what makes you special. If you think of stress as a valuable lesson, it becomes much less stressful.
- Look out your window.
Scads of writers extol the benefits of communing with nature, but honestly, who has the time for nature walks when you’re meeting deadlines or getting dinner made? The simple act of looking out your window can help you center your mind and calm your stress response.
- Take up knitting...
...or crocheting, or gardening, or painting...Any creative activity that engages your mind and your hands has been proven to boost mood and lower stress. What’s your hobby of choice?
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