Spring Clean Your Way to Joy
Posted by Jen Conroy on
It’s March! This means that spring is almost here, ushering in longer days, and, for some, the irresistible urge to dive into spring-cleaning projects. If cleaning house isn’t your favorite activity, take comfort in knowing that spring cleaning is about more than just scrubbing floors. According to psychologists, the simple task of organizing one special place can be a powerful tool for enhancing your quality of life.
Here’s a look at some of the surprising psychological benefits of tidying up.
Keeping clutter on the downlow can...
...decrease stress.
A messy home or work environment can increase stress by overwhelming your senses. It’s hard to focus when you’re surrounded by piles of papers and knickknacks. To start, pick your favorite area of the house or office and commit yourself to organizing one small part of it, like a drawer or counter space. Making progress, however slow or small, is the key to success. Avoid biting off big reorganization projects like closets, which can quickly overwhelm you.
...boost your mood.
Did you know that organizing also frees up your brain to focus on the bigger things in life—like a sense of serenity and happiness? What’s more, when you’re organized, you’re also more likely to be more productive.
...inspire healthy habits.
Numerous studies indicate that an organized house is associated with a more active lifestyle and healthier eating habits. It makes sense, doesn’t it? Organized living can save you time, lower your stress, and boost your mood. And when you have more time and energy, you are more likely to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Above all else, always keep in mind that organizing doesn’t mean spic-and-span perfection! A simple task like decluttering your work desk is a great place to start.
When it comes to spring cleaning this season, forget about perfection and embrace introspection! Environ is committed to enhancing your quality of life. To find an Environ stockist near you, call 877.337.6227 today.